105: Top KPIs to Measure Digital Patient Forms

Episode 105 June 14, 2022 00:17:01

Hosted By

Brandon Worley

Show Notes

In this episode we cover... Top KPIs to Measure Digital Patient Forms.

Today we have KPIs and data to share on the following:

  1. Completion Rates
  2. Completion Speed
  3. Partial Completions

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On-demand content:

12 Telemedicine & Digital Health Engagement KPIs Every Executive Should Know

Quick Contest:

Optical Illusion Test

Health Topic:

Sauna use

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Episode Transcript

[Intro] 00:00:04 Welcome to the get and down with digital health podcast, sponsored by Mend, we hope to inform and inspire you on a wide variety of healthcare topics. We're grateful you're joining us today and now on with the show. [Brandon Worley] 00:00:20 What up everybody? And welcome back to another episode of getting down with digital health. I'm your host, Brandon Worley, and joining me today is co-founder and CEO of Mend, Matt McBride. What's up, man. How you doing man? [Matt McBride] 00:00:32 Doing great, man. Your intros. They always shock me so my energy is ready. I'm ready to go. [Brandon Worley] 00:00:42 I'm excited, man. I love talking about this stuff. And more importantly, I love having you on these things. So, uh, we have an exciting agenda today. Um, so today we are going to cover the top KPIs to measure digital patient forms. We have a new ebook and on-demand webinar. Everyone watching should check out. Uh, we have numbers, optical illusion that broke Twitter, Elon Musk, better watch out. And I think I need to watch out as well and finally an informative healthcare topic. So, um, let's get into the KPIs and data, uh, for digital forms. Matt, why don't you take us through it? Because this is something I know, uh, we've always been very excited about our customers are very excited about, and it's a product that is starting to be, um, utilized by more and more of not only our customers, but just the leads that are coming into us, people looking for this. So, um, excited for you to share some, some KPIs. [Matt McBride] 00:01:37 Yeah. So, you know, I, I, I think there's a, a slightly different way to think about these digital forms too. Um, but I mean, you know, the, the paper experiences, the posting PDFs on your website, um, I think there's a lot of manual effort that goes into those. Somebody, uh, has to, uh, take the forms. People have to come in earlier, they're getting transcribed into, into systems. So I think a lot of that can be automated and you can just move the data. But I think when you create a digital forms experience, um, I think they're the, the new appointment confirmation. I think you get somebody engaged a few days before their appointment. It's easy, it's simple. They complete all their forms and they're coming in, I mean, at least, you know, 99, 90 8% of the time. So I think a lot of customers have reported that. [Matt McBride] 00:02:36 So I, I think the way to think about these digital forms are that the new appointment confirmation people can engage in their care before they arrive and all it can be automated, right? They can be automated to be sent out. They can be anything histories, clinical assessments, income, verification forms, treatment plan, you know, what, whatever, whatever paper you have, you can build into these things. And, uh, I think it just creates a, a much more modern, uh, experience that consumers are, are looking for. So you might not be thinking about too many KPIs around digital forms, but, uh, one, a KPI that we feel is important is speed. Um, and I know this is, you know, these are numbers that we're, we're proud of. Really. I know, you know, you talk about these numbers a lot with our customers, if maybe you wanna comment, um, on some of these, uh, for our digital forms. [Brandon Worley] 00:03:37 Yeah. And, and just before that, you know, in the last, uh, podcast episode that we had, we talked a real, you know, we, we mentioned how important, uh, reducing no-shows is for organizations. So if they can care for more people and obviously all that trickles down, more patients are being cared for. And, you know, from a business standpoint, you're able to bill, uh, for those services that are rendered. So, uh, what we have found is that organizations that use a multi, multi, uh, disciplined approach, um, you know, whether it's offering convenience of telehealth, having appointment reminders, utilizing digital forms, all of these things work seamlessly together to really drive down those NoShow rates. And, and there's no doubt for the customers that we have seen with digital forms. It has been not only do they comment that it's their favorite product, um, we've seen an increased revenue cycle management much faster because they're getting the accurate information, cuz it's just one key to entry. [Brandon Worley] 00:04:29 Uh, they're getting the information they need. Oftentimes, uh, as we see here, 75% came back within a day. So it's more real time, uh, receipt of, of this information that they need to be able to, to, to get the patient in. Um, and it can be any form survey. Uh, as you mentioned, income verification, it can literally be anything that they want. I mean, we've had physical therapists, upload videos to send out to patients to be able to do videos, uh, for their treatment plan during COVID. I mean, it's, it's literally a blank canvas, uh, and can work in a bidirectional fashion. So it has just been an incredibly powerful tool. Uh, and like I said, one that is more, uh, is, is asked about more and more from customers every day. [Matt McBride] 00:05:15 And then, um, you know, overall we see an 86% completion rate. I mean, there's, you know, so there's a lot of customers that are, that are above this number too, that are in the, in the nineties, um, in, and, and again, I think that's part of what can make this, the new appointment confirmation, um, and get, get people, you know, investing time into their, uh, care and get invested in, uh, uh, the appointment before it occurs. So, uh, tracking those completion rates, so tracking speed, tracking the completion rates, and then you may even wanna track partial completions. Um, you know, partial completions could be good, especially out of the gate. Maybe there's a problem with one of the forms. Uh, there's a question that's confusing or that people are getting hung up on. Um, so partial completions, uh, would be another, uh, KPI as well to track. [Matt McBride] 00:06:14 And then just to give everybody just a, what does this look like? And we'll send a text in an email, they'll get a secure link, uh, they'll put in their date of birth and then any device, any browser you're in and you can, uh, we can build any, uh, question that, uh, you might have on any of your paper forms. So we take the paper, we make it into a modern digital experience. So you can take pictures. Um, you can take pictures of a wound or, or, you know, some other type of issue like that. They can put in all their medications, their allergies, we can even accept payments. Brandon was talking about revenue cycle. So any, any type of information you wanna collect just becomes effortless, just easy and effortless for a patient to, uh, uh, fill out. So definitely should be part of, uh, anyone's patient engagement strategy, uh, moving forward. [Brandon Worley] 00:07:15 Well, another thing, and you may talk about it in a moment, Matt, but I know our customers love the fact that it's device agnostic. Uh, it can work on any smartphone, any tablet, any computer, uh, and it can be, um, you know, it's just very simple, but it can be sent to patients. Uh, if they have a designated caregiver, it can be sent to them. It could be sent to minors parents, um, and it could be filled out by staff, uh, if needed also, uh, physician groups who patients, for some reason, don't complete these part of the 14% of patients who don't complete. 'em, uh, a pre-visit then a lot of our offices just take a laptop computer or some desktops stick it in the waiting room and the patients can just complete it there, uh, when they walk in. So it's just incredibly flexible, uh, is the feedback that I hear. [Matt McBride] 00:08:02 Absolutely, absolutely. So, um, uh, with that, I mean, we, we cover, uh, those KPIs and a lot more in, in ebook and, uh, an on-demand webinar that we've recorded. So if anybody wants to access that content, uh, if you head over to mend.com in the resources section, we've got everything, uh, we've got blogs, uh, eBooks webinars, um, but this, uh, content along with, uh, 12 other KPIs, um, and not only the KPIs, we're sharing all of our data as well. So you have a, a good baseline, a good benchmark to know, uh, not only what to track, but once you start tracking it, what is good? What is so across all of our millions and millions of, of patients, millions and millions of visits, we're sharing all of our data as well. So you've got the ebook. Uh, you can also click on the webinar. [Matt McBride] 00:09:05 Maybe you just wanna, uh, listen to it at your convenience. Maybe you're, you're cranking out some other work and you just wanna listen to it in the, in the background, or if you prefer the ebook. Um, those are great, uh, sources of content to, uh, get the rest of, of the KPIs we feel are important. So, uh, with that, you know, this, uh, we have, uh, another optical illusion. I like these because I feel like our audience can play at home as well. So, you know, this one broke Twitter. We'll see if it can break worly. Yeah. [Brandon Worley] 00:09:40 <laugh> so I feel like a lab ride at this point, doing all these tests, uh, on these podcasts, but I'm ready. I got a good night's sleep. Let's do this, [Matt McBride] 00:09:49 But can you see what numbers, [Brandon Worley] 00:09:53 I see, 4, 5, 2, 8. [Matt McBride] 00:09:56 You wanna look at it for a few extra seconds and, uh, you know, let me know when, you know, you have your final, final answer. [Brandon Worley] 00:10:05 It's just getting fuzzier the longer I'm staring at it. So I'm locking in that's my final, [Matt McBride] 00:10:10 But there's, there's actually numbers across the whole way. So there is a three here. [Brandon Worley] 00:10:17 Okay. [Matt McBride] 00:10:18 There's a four, [Brandon Worley] 00:10:20 Right? [Matt McBride] 00:10:21 A five. [Brandon Worley] 00:10:22 Yep. [Matt McBride] 00:10:23 A two eight. So you are, you're pretty close. You have the 4, 5, 2 8, then it's another three. [Brandon Worley] 00:10:31 Ooh. Okay. [Matt McBride] 00:10:33 And then a nine. [Brandon Worley] 00:10:34 Yeah. Very hard to see those. I, I still can't see them. <laugh> even after you pointed 'em out. [Matt McBride] 00:10:41 Well, still, still pretty good. So nice job [Brandon Worley] 00:10:44 As always. I appreciate being the Guinea pig, the lab rat, you know, whatever you want to call me. Um, so, uh, also, uh, keeping in line with, uh, other, uh, previous episodes, we have an informative healthcare topic meant to inspire you to be as healthy as you can [Matt McBride] 00:11:01 Be. Yes. I, I, I think this is like another, uh, item that, that, that almost appeared like a, a fad you'd start to see, I think different athletes, you know, you, you always see the, the athletes jumping into these tubs of ice. Right. And then, you know, you'd start to see a lot of sauna usages. Now. There's like these, these sauna places that you can go and, and rent out a sauna for a half hour and do they, they it's just started to really gain in popularity. So it was one of these things that I wanted to know a little bit about. Um, and, uh, uh, you know, so I asked my doctor about it and doc, my doctor was a big, big fan of the, the sauna. And we'll get into some of the benefits, but let me ask you this question first. What, what, what do you, what, what have you heard about the sauna? And what's sort of the main benefit that I think everybody talks about, or with sauna using, [Brandon Worley] 00:12:02 For me, it's, it's really sweating out toxins and, you know, just, just basically cleaning, you know, cleaning out the inside <laugh> and kind of bringing it out through your pores. [Matt McBride] 00:12:14 When I was doing a little bit of research for the episode, it's kind of, it's kind of unclear if you actually, uh, you know, get rid of toxins through, through the act of, of sweating. There were, I think some sources that said that, uh, you know, that that's not what happened. Others said, uh, that, that it can happen. So here's what I found the, the most scientific article and list of benefits. Here's what I found anti-aging effects, um, can boost circulation and cardiovascular health. So you, you, you step into the sauna, I mean, be a hundred fifty, a hundred and seventy, a hundred ninety degrees. I mean, your blood's gonna be moving, your heart's gonna be pumping. So you can actually get a little bit of a cardio workout from just sitting in the sauna. Um, uh, you can, uh, reduce blood pressure. [Brandon Worley] 00:13:28 Can I just stop you real quick? You had me at anti-aging effects, but you keep going [Matt McBride] 00:13:32 <laugh> [Matt McBride] 00:13:35 This, this is true. I've I've heard a doctor, Rhonda, Patrick, talk about it a lot. Um, uh, that, uh, yeah, your, your body can produce heat, shot proteins and other, and other things. I don't understand all of the ins and outs of it, but if you look up doc Dr. Rhonda, Patrick, she goes into, uh, great, uh, detail over the anti-aging of benefits. Um, you can increase production of human growth hormone for muscle recovery. So that is why you see athletes doing it. And, and, um, I've read some articles saying, you know, 30 minutes, two times a week, you can, uh, increase H uh, levels. Um, you, uh, there's even, um, brain benefits. Uh, your BD NF increases. This is with regular sauna usage, which can activate the growth of new brain cells, uh, helped to maintain existing cells, uh, and improve neuroplasticity. So, uh, there's brain health benefits from so usage, uh, heat shot, proteins and cytokines are released improving your immune system, uh, releases endorphins. [Matt McBride] 00:15:06 So, you know, when you work out and you feel good, uh, if you weren't, if you weren't feeling so good in the day you were feeling down or something like that, a lot of times you can get in the sauna. You're gonna kind of get the same benefits as if you, if you worked out and then, uh, a toy, which is where, when you're, you're, uh, sort of having the stress you're sitting in, you know, maybe 170 degrees, right? There's a little bit of stress on the body. That's, what's creating all of these, uh, benefits that are, that are going on in, in like AGY where, um, uh, you know, your body sort of gets rid of bad cells, bad mitochondria, bad DNA. So I, you know, I couldn't really find, you know, I found one list where it said, you know, you might, uh, uh, you know, release this certain type of, uh, metal that maybe is found in through, but I couldn't really find where you sort of got rid of these toxins, but this list is pretty, is pretty incredible. [Brandon Worley] 00:16:10 Any one of those is a good reason, uh, to jump in as sauna from time to time. So Matt, as always thank you for bringing it, uh, strong with the health tips, um, for everyone watching. Thank you. Uh, we will provide links to everything discussed in the show notes. Please feel free to hit us up with any questions in the comments section. In the next episode, we'll be talking about KPIs and data for patient self scheduling, for example, what is a no-show rate for a patient self scheduled appointment, make sure to link and subs, uh, like, and subscribe. And thank you everybody. Uh, thank you everyone for watching Matt. [Outro] 00:16:49 See you soon, man. Thank you for watching today's episode from the getting down with digital health podcast, to learn more about mend or to access more content, please visit mend.com.

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